Typography and Page Layout
Hans Zimmer: Legends of Music Project
A project themed around choosing someone worthy of the title “Legend of Music” and creating promotional materials, such as a record and record sleeve.
Shippensburg Art and Design Newsletter
A layout for a hypothetical newsletter for the Art and Design Department of Shippensburg University, using their masthead and several unusual articles.
Justice’s Just Ice Corporate Identity Manual
A corporate identity manual for a fictional flavored & shaved ice company named after myself.
inGen Genetic Hybrid Species Document
A dossier-style report design themed after the fictional company of inGen from the Jurassic Park franchise.
Dual Language Projects
Two projects involving an emphasis on creating a cohesive design for two different languages, one a poster and the other a four panel brochure.
Shippensburg University Fall 2024 Senior Exhibition materials
Poster and gallery card created for the University’s Art Exhibition, through collaboration with fellow students and faculty